Contact Us!

Looking forward to getting to know you!

Stella Maris Explorers is passionate about our mission to encourage art, faith, and science education in Mississippi. If you're passionate about faith-filled STEAM education and you want to help us, please send us a message or send us mail to our PO Box! We are always eager to meet and support Coast families especially homeschooling families. We are so glad you found us! And hope you'll join us for an in-person meeting.

Stella Maris Explorers

PO Box 1491, Ocean Springs, MS 39566

Explorers Club Meetings

Thursdays 9am - noon

St. Michael Catholic Church, Biloxi

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The Stella Maris Explorers is a Catholic organization, but we welcome any family that feels the Explorers Club is a good fit for them.

No. The Explorers Club is an enrichment activity. Our art, faith, and sciences lessons complement a wide array of curriculum and teaching pedagogies.

Dues for the semester are $65 per club member. Semester dues cover all activities and supplies for the 12 indoor club meetings a semester. Field trips are optional and are an additional fee. There is also a $25 per family per year registration fee. This fee helps offset our liability insurance costs. There is a discount of $5 for each sibling per semester. First club member in the family is $65/semester and each additional family member is $60/semester. Dues are capped at $275 per family per semester.

Younger siblings (not yet in PK3) are welcome and tag along for free. We are working on a dedicated teen to run concurrently with the Explorers Club launching in Fall 2024. Please email us ( to inquire about the Teen Program.

If this is your first semester with the Explorers Club or your child needs help using the restroom, then yes, you must stay for club meetings. Additionally, a parent is required to attend field trips unless you've personally made arrangements for another adult to take responsibility for your child(ren). Lastly, Stella Maris Explorers is a 100% volunteer organization as such a volunteer commitment is expected from all families. This volunteer commitment can be discharged by assisting during Club Meetings, by baking/cooking/providing for potlucks, staying to help clean up after meetings, or by active participation with fundraising efforts.

Stella Maris Explorers Club offers families a low-stress way to incorporate hands-on science and art enrichment into their unique homeschools while planting and growing the seeds of faith children need to flourish. Explorers thrive among friends, and parents enjoy the weekly opportunity to visit and work with like-minded families.